The Do’s and Do Nots During Loan Process
Below are some of the things that can affect your pre-approval and loan closing on your home adversely. Please review and if you have any questions, please contact me:
- Continue to make all payments on time until your long-term loan is closed.
- Document gifts funds. Documented and a signed Gift Letter will be required to show the person giving the gift is not requiring the gift to be re-paid!
Do Not:
- Changing Employment or Moving into a new “line” of work or different industry!
- Make changes in income / going from salary or hourly to commission, working less Hours, going from full time to part time, or less income from tips or overtime, etc. than when you were approved.
- Buying new items on credit / large purchases. Opening new credit accounts.
- Increasing balances or closing out revolving credit cards or other accounts.
- Receive credit inquiries from other sources other than our inquiry.
- Deposited loans from family or friends into your bank account. Gifts, etc.
- Receive any late payments of any kind, especially mortgage late payments of any kind.
- Deposit undocumented large deposits into your bank accounts other than payroll such as cash from selling something or cash deposits of any kind. All deposits over $500 are required to be documented and a paper trail shown to see if those funds can be used as part of your needed cash to close. Cash deposit are not traceable.
- Move funds from one account to another after we have started your loan.
- Become a co-maker or co-signer with someone else after you have started your loan application will increase your debt to income.
Notify us if:
- Collections or Liens that arise during the process. Medical Bills, etc.
I want to help you. Let’s get in touch.
If you are interested in working together, send me an inquiry and I will get back to you as soon as I can!